
Mt. Whitney Coffee Roasters, Columbia Excelso Decaf, Ground Coffee, 12 oz (340 g)

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  • Taste and See
  • Medium Roast
  • Nutty With a Nice Body, Bold, Sugarcane, Fruity and Lively
  • Swiss Water Process
  • 床的世界
  • Nitrogen Packed for Freshness
Mt. Whitney Coffee Roasters

Coffee drinkers are learning to taste unique flavor profiles and those flavors are leading them on a search for the top coffees the globe has to offer.

In order to produce the best, every detail matters. From the tree varietal, to the processing method; no detail is too small.

Small batch artisan roasting allows us to develop flavors and to caramelize natural sugars to bring out the most each coffee has to offer.

Come join us on a tasting床的世界 experience that satisfies body, mind and soul.

髮旺旺Mt. Whitney Coffee Roasters, Columbia Excelso Decaf, Ground Coffee, 12 oz (340 g)




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